Methods of Controlling Ticks in Dogs and Cats. A parasite is a living organism that benefits from another organism. There are many kinds of parasites. Examples are flea, tick, mosquito, intestinal worms, and tsetse fly. Malaria is brought by a mosquito parasite. The malaria parasite mainly attacks the red blood cells of the body. The female mosquito mostly resides in wet environments. They lay and hatch their eggs in stagnant water. The method of removing this parasite is by use of oil and totally draining the stagnant water. Expect intestinal worms to attack both cattle and humans. It is possible to control intestinal worms through deworming. It has been known for a tsetse fly to attack both humans and cattle. This insect resides near bushes. This parasite causes sleeping sleekness through blood. It has been noted for ticks to attack pets and cattle. Lyme disease in cattle is spread through blood. It has been known for a flea to attack pets and humans. Fleas cause skin irritation and itching. Parasites attack hosts for shelter, food, and protection. There are many harmful effects apart from diseases that are brought by parasites. Yield in cattle is declined by parasite infestation. Emaciation in cattle is mostly caused by parasite infestation. Parasites can cause death on pets. Let us talk about ticks in dogs and cats.
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A tick belongs to a family of arthropods. It has eight legs with three body parts. Expect a tick to have three life cycles. Expect a female mosquito to first lay its eggs on the ground. A tick larvae is a hatched egg that grows to become an adult tick. Adults must depend on a suitable host for it to grow. The cycle thereafter repeats itself.
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Expect ticks to be picked by pets from various avenues. Examples of attachment objects for ticks are fences, grass, and beddings. It is likely for cats and dogs to pick ticks while playing or leaning on attachment objects. It is possible to control ticks from pets by use of various methods. The first method is by physically identifying and removing them. This is possible by removing hair on the infested part and slowly detaching it from the skin of the pet. It is worthy to throw ticks into a pit latrine after carefully detaching them from the skin of a dog or cat. Expect use of insecticides to be an effective method of controlling ticks in dogs and cats. Spraying the inside and outside of a pet’s house can be much effective in tick’s control. Pet’s bedding can also be boiled with hot water to physically kill the parasite. It can also work by hiring industrial pest control services in case of a heavy tick infestation.
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